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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wordless Wednesday - Hospital stay.
Monday, March 28, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 20
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 20: Your biggest insecurity.
I know, totally unoriginal as all the other blogs taking part in this challenge have one way or another stated that weight is their insecurity as well. The fact that so many of us are insecure about it doesn't surprise me. Most of the ladies blogs that I visited, needn't be concerned about their weight as they look fantastic, but I guess it doesn't matter what the scale reads, no one likes the number. I vote we all get the scale above ;).
Day 20: Your biggest insecurity.
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3:00 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 20
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Friday, March 25, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 19
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Something that I want to learn to do is scrapbook. I started to get into it when I had only two kiddos and before we moved to Nebraska. After we moved my supplies laid in a box in our basement for years. I finally found them two kids and thousands of photos later. I also went all digital on our pictures, so printing them out was a bit of a hassle. I don't print out any pictures unless I need them for something. Maybe I should try my hand at digital scrapbooking, when I have time for it lol!
Day 19: A skill you’d like to learn.
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3:00 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 19
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 18
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 18: Something you are afraid of.
I am not afraid of too many things, long gone are the days that I would run and jump from the light switch to the bed esp after watching a scary movie, and I can now enter any (finished) basement without visibly flinching or getting chills. I guess two things that still unnerve me are being trapped somewhere. I couldn't watch the movie Buried or any of the Saw movies.
Another thing that I am afraid of is a reoccurring nightmare that I have where all of the kids are in the car and it is about to explode, I don't remember dreams easily so I am not sure why, just know that it is and I am unable to get all of the kids out. I have two in car seats, but to get to those kids I would have to let out the other 4 that sit in the back. Even if I have one of the kids get Kira, I would still have to wait for the others to get out before getting Jonas. I dislike nights when that particular dream comes up, it is very hard getting back to sleep afterward.
Day 18: Something you are afraid of.
Another thing that I am afraid of is a reoccurring nightmare that I have where all of the kids are in the car and it is about to explode, I don't remember dreams easily so I am not sure why, just know that it is and I am unable to get all of the kids out. I have two in car seats, but to get to those kids I would have to let out the other 4 that sit in the back. Even if I have one of the kids get Kira, I would still have to wait for the others to get out before getting Jonas. I dislike nights when that particular dream comes up, it is very hard getting back to sleep afterward.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Please help!
I don't normally do this, but if you all could vote for Kira in this photo contest, I would appreciate it. Just like Lex Logan Photography and like Kira's photo.
Wordless Wednesday - RSV sux.
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 17
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 17:Are you named after anyone?
I am not named after a specific person, but a song. My mom loved the song Sheila by Tommy Roe and after 3 boys she finally got to use the name on me. I am not a fan of my name, partly because of the Ready for the World song Oh Sheila and partly because my mom named me a slang term for girl. Who names their daughter girl? LOL my mom! I did get a kick out of my name popping up in two ads during the Superbowl, the first from and the second from AT&T.
Day 17:Are you named after anyone?
I am not named after a specific person, but a song. My mom loved the song Sheila by Tommy Roe and after 3 boys she finally got to use the name on me. I am not a fan of my name, partly because of the Ready for the World song Oh Sheila and partly because my mom named me a slang term for girl. Who names their daughter girl? LOL my mom! I did get a kick out of my name popping up in two ads during the Superbowl, the first from and the second from AT&T.
Posted by
2:40 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 17
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 16
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 16: Your least favorite chore.
My least favorite chore is laundry, not washing it. I don't mind sorting, pre-treating, washing, hang drying, or drying the laundry. What I cannot stand is folding and putting away laundry, the worst however, is by far sorting socks. As you can imagine laundry for my clan builds up quickly but socks are frustrating because not only are socks lost but the girls have taken to wearing mis-matchy socks so pairing them is nearly impossible. Socks must have a twin and it drives me insane when I can't find them so sock sorting is the kids' job.
Day 16: Your least favorite chore.
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2:23 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 16
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 15
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 15: Something that bugs you.
There are two main things that bug me, they both involve chewing.
The first is chewing with your mouth open. This drives me insane! It is about the same noise as stirring tuna when making tuna salad, in other words-gross. I sometimes feel like a shrew at the dinner table because this is one manner that I will not let up on.
The other is smacking gum, this is a lot like chewing with the mouth open in that the noise is gross. I have had my kids throw their gum away many times for doing this lol I know I'm the mean mom! I have also changed seats at various places due to someone smacking their gum near me. It grates on my nerves, I can't really explain it other than it is my nails on a chalk board (which btw doesn't bother me at all).
Day 15: Something that bugs you.
There are two main things that bug me, they both involve chewing.
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2:14 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 15
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Friday, March 18, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 14
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 14: Something I want to do before I die.
Something that I want to do before I die would be to surf in Hawaii. I have been to both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans many times but have yet to set my feet on a surf board. When the opportunity arose to surf I was too nervous, too shy, or even in one instance too pregnant with my oldest child. Although that would have been a sight to see! My love for the ocean, Hawaii in particular was born the first time I watched the movie The North Shore.
I wore out the vhs tape watching that movie. I saved allowance to purchase surfing magazines and tore out the pictures I liked and plastered my walls with them. It was also about the time that the movie came out when my parents went to Hawaii for a business convention. I am pretty sure that I stole little trinkets that my parents brought back for my brothers and wore the shirt I was given until it was thread bare and way too small (think of Friends when Ross puts on his old "Frankie says hello" shirt). So before I die surfing a wave in Hawaii would be one thing I would love to do. It doesn't even have to be a 20 foot wave on Hawaii's famed North Shore, I will settle for a baby wave off any beach of any of the islands ;).
Day 14: Something I want to do before I die.
I wore out the vhs tape watching that movie. I saved allowance to purchase surfing magazines and tore out the pictures I liked and plastered my walls with them. It was also about the time that the movie came out when my parents went to Hawaii for a business convention. I am pretty sure that I stole little trinkets that my parents brought back for my brothers and wore the shirt I was given until it was thread bare and way too small (think of Friends when Ross puts on his old "Frankie says hello" shirt). So before I die surfing a wave in Hawaii would be one thing I would love to do. It doesn't even have to be a 20 foot wave on Hawaii's famed North Shore, I will settle for a baby wave off any beach of any of the islands ;).
Posted by
3:03 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 14
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 13
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 13: How I relax.
With seven children running or crawling around the house, I don't get too much time to relax. What I do however, is every night before going to bed I will read for 10-30 minutes. It is the one way that I can get my brain to slow down enough that I can finally fall asleep (unless my husband is snoring too loudly or the book of choice that night was a Stephen King novel). Long ago I used to love a bubble bath to unwind, I think in the past four years that we've been here I have used our huge over-sized tub two, maybe three times. I may just have to take all the bath toys out of it and use it myself tonight!
Day 13: How I relax.
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12:36 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 13
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 12
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 12: Something you do every day.

Something that I do every day is change diapers. Thankfully Kira is in the final stages of potty learning so that lowers the amount that I have to change for her. I have probably changed millions of diapers in my lifetime. Ok, not really, I just did the math and if each child averaged 50 diapers a week for the 3 years they were in them (again this is just an aprox) it would be just under 55 thousand adding in what Jonas would use.
I have to say that although it will be sad for the baby days to be gone, I will not miss the diaper stage of it!
Day 12: Something you do every day.
Something that I do every day is change diapers. Thankfully Kira is in the final stages of potty learning so that lowers the amount that I have to change for her. I have probably changed millions of diapers in my lifetime. Ok, not really, I just did the math and if each child averaged 50 diapers a week for the 3 years they were in them (again this is just an aprox) it would be just under 55 thousand adding in what Jonas would use.
I have to say that although it will be sad for the baby days to be gone, I will not miss the diaper stage of it!
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8:23 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 12
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Wordless Wednesday - I didn't do it.
I did not let Jonas tear up this paper because it kept him entertained and it was the only time in two hours that he wasn't crying (he has RSV and isn't feeling well).
Posted by
8:08 PM
Wordless Wednesday - I didn't do it.
Jonas|Wordless Wednesday|

Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 11
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 11: A photo that makes you laugh.
Day 11: A photo that makes you laugh.
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2:28 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 11
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 10
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 10: Your favorite room in your house.
Day 10: Your favorite room in your house.
My favorite room in my house my living room, it is the place that we all go to hang out, watch movies, do things together and just be. When we built the house (when I say we I really mean Toby, lol cause come on, me constructing a building? Not likely!) we were in a bit of a hurry. Our previous house sold before we were completely ready to have the new house inspected so we could move in. So all the beautiful flooring that we had intended on doing throughout was quickly scrapped for much quicker carpet and linoleum. After four years of various juice, milk, spit up and of course nail polish spills and stains we finally changed the carpet to wood.
This is what our living room looks like now. I love it, and can't wait to choose paint and maybe some new furniture.
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1:44 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 10
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Friday, March 11, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 9
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 9:Your most treasured item.
My most treasured item would have to be my wedding ring. I wont go into the blah-bitty blah reasons why and get all mushy on you.
*This is another post that was lost in my phone. I really need to find a new Blogger app!
Day 9:Your most treasured item.
My most treasured item would have to be my wedding ring. I wont go into the blah-bitty blah reasons why and get all mushy on you.
*This is another post that was lost in my phone. I really need to find a new Blogger app!
Posted by
1:18 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 9
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 8
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 8: A birthday celebration.
In our family there is a birthday seven months out of the year (Toby & Paige share the same birthday). There are too many to choose from so I will just go with the last birthday we celebrated.
Jonas celebrated his first birthday on Superbowl Sunday. He was born on the day so we celebrated on it even though his actual birthday wasn't until the next day. First birthdays are a happy/sad occasion. I love that the baby is growing and getting to the fun age that allows them to express themselves, not only with what they want but also verbally they grow in leaps and bounds around this time. It's sad because the baby stage is gone in one blow of a candle. From babyhood to toddler in one breath, just another reminder that time really does march on.
Jonas was not a fan of cake, he didn't like the mess and wouldn't touch it w/o crying. He was finally able to taste the cake after we gave him a spoon. I actually got a good laugh out of this as all the girls DOVE into their cake head first but both boys insisted on using a fork as they didn't like the frosting sticking to their hands.
*Apparently I was a few days ahead on this challenge. I didn't know that we were supposed to skip the weekends so I took a few days off.
Day 8: A birthday celebration.
In our family there is a birthday seven months out of the year (Toby & Paige share the same birthday). There are too many to choose from so I will just go with the last birthday we celebrated.
Jonas celebrated his first birthday on Superbowl Sunday. He was born on the day so we celebrated on it even though his actual birthday wasn't until the next day. First birthdays are a happy/sad occasion. I love that the baby is growing and getting to the fun age that allows them to express themselves, not only with what they want but also verbally they grow in leaps and bounds around this time. It's sad because the baby stage is gone in one blow of a candle. From babyhood to toddler in one breath, just another reminder that time really does march on.
Jonas was not a fan of cake, he didn't like the mess and wouldn't touch it w/o crying. He was finally able to taste the cake after we gave him a spoon. I actually got a good laugh out of this as all the girls DOVE into their cake head first but both boys insisted on using a fork as they didn't like the frosting sticking to their hands.
*Apparently I was a few days ahead on this challenge. I didn't know that we were supposed to skip the weekends so I took a few days off.
Posted by
11:17 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 8
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Lucky to be Redbox.
- Sign-up for a redbox online account at
- Why? By signing up for an online account, you can see what movies are currently in redbox kiosks near you and reserve your picks to guarantee they’ll still be waiting for you when you get there (until 9 p.m. the next day).
- Redbox will email you a personal web address link
- Share the link with your friends
- Every time someone reserves a movie online through your personal web address, you’ll receive a credit in your online account for a free one-night DVD rental
- If it is your friend’s first time reserving online, they’ll also receive a credit for a free one night rental
- Spread the luck! Email it, post it to Facebook, Tweet about it
Posted by
10:44 PM
Lucky to be Redbox.
Fab Product|

Fab Product
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wordless Wednesday - Sleepy heads.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 7
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 7: Something you use every day.
I use my phone for everything. I use it to schedule appointments, keep track of the kids' events, family birthdays, address and phone numbers, calculator, there are apps on there that help me manage my home, my husband's business, my blog (although it currently isn't uploading my blog posts like it should). I would be lost without it!
Day 7: Something you use every day.
I use my phone for everything. I use it to schedule appointments, keep track of the kids' events, family birthdays, address and phone numbers, calculator, there are apps on there that help me manage my home, my husband's business, my blog (although it currently isn't uploading my blog posts like it should). I would be lost without it!
Posted by
5:12 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 7
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 6
Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge. Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too. Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.
Day 6: A favorite memory.
After having 5 girls, in a row, I didn't think that I would ever hear the words "It's a BOY!" When I had my u/s with Jacob I expected to hear 'girl' and was beyond thrilled to hear 'boy'. I left the exam room walking on air! Toby unfortunately had to work that day and when he called to see how the appointment went I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying. The night before I told him that the baby was a boy, I just knew BUT I had just known that Haley, Kierston, Loryn and Paige were boys too (Kaly I guessed was a girl). So when he asked, I didn't outright say 'boy' but something along the lines of 'I told you' and he took that as 'girl'. After realizing that he thought the baby was a girl I decided to surprise him by making this:
and hung it on the garage door. As soon as he pulled in he knew. Usually he calls on his way home but that night he didn't. My plan was to take a picture of him as he pulled up, but he surprised me. I should have snapped a picture when he walked in the door, he was literally smiling from ear to ear!
Day 6: A favorite memory.
After having 5 girls, in a row, I didn't think that I would ever hear the words "It's a BOY!" When I had my u/s with Jacob I expected to hear 'girl' and was beyond thrilled to hear 'boy'. I left the exam room walking on air! Toby unfortunately had to work that day and when he called to see how the appointment went I wasn't really thinking about what I was saying. The night before I told him that the baby was a boy, I just knew BUT I had just known that Haley, Kierston, Loryn and Paige were boys too (Kaly I guessed was a girl). So when he asked, I didn't outright say 'boy' but something along the lines of 'I told you' and he took that as 'girl'. After realizing that he thought the baby was a girl I decided to surprise him by making this:
and hung it on the garage door. As soon as he pulled in he knew. Usually he calls on his way home but that night he didn't. My plan was to take a picture of him as he pulled up, but he surprised me. I should have snapped a picture when he walked in the door, he was literally smiling from ear to ear!
Posted by
3:04 PM
The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 6
31 Day Photo Challenge|

31 Day Photo Challenge
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