Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Rain, rain, go away!
What should you do on day two of a boring rainy day in the summer? Build a blanket tent of course! The kids attacked my linen closet and took all the extra blankets, along w/the ones off of their beds and built this monstrosity in Jake's room. I tried to go under it but I didn't fit w/o pulling on the blankets and threatening to crash it down. I wish I had snapped a pic of the one they built this morning in the living room while I was on my conference call.

Kushies Giveaway.
Head over to Divine Chaos and check out the new contest she has going for Kushies Zolo Magnetic Activity Garden.
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12:25 PM
Kushies Giveaway.
Contest|Fab Product|

Fab Product
Monday, May 25, 2009
How does your garden grow?
After being here for two years and starting our third summer on our acrege. The hubs, kids and I decided that this is the year we will grow our garden. We planted about 3 weeks ago and it's really starting to come in. I still have a lot of work to do as you can see all the green there, that's grass that needs to be pulled/raked out. I worked on it a lot yesterday but between the baby and lack of food in the pantry I had more pressing things to tend to. When it cools off tonight I may finish, if not, well there's always tomorrow. We are hoping for a good turn out of corn- planted 6 rows, one row each of radishes (yuck!), cucumbers, tomatos, cabbage (why?), pumkins, kalarabi (don't even know what that is), honey dew mellons, pumpkins, lettus, and two rows of onions. The corn is up about two inches and the onions are doing great. The rest, well we'll see.
Any tips on how to keep the weeds and grass out of the garden?
Friday, May 22, 2009
My new project - OH and another contest.
My husband's niece will be turning two in September, don't ask me the date because I couldn't tell you. He and his family have a great love/hate thing going on, they all love to hate eachother- well they at least love to hate him lol. No great loss, let me tell ya! Anyway when they were over for Kira's 1st bday party his niece loved Kira's tutu so when I decided to make Kira another I bought enough material to make one for 'M' as well. The girls and I started working on it this morning and this is what we have so far. It didn't take too long. I will finish this then figure out how to make a cute cupcake shirt to go with it. If you have any ideas let me know.
Now on to the contest! I blogged about Trendy Tadpoles in another post. I really love their shirts and have ordered
to make Kira's Halloween outfit (yes another tutu!) I can't wait for it to get here, because yes she will be wearing it lol! I would love to get another but it will have to wait UNLESS I win one from Annie's Home Trendy Tadpole Review and Giveaway. Stop by her blog and enter yourself- wait that would lessen my chances lol!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Gotta love a funny T-shirt!

It all started the day that I saw the "Cute but psycho" shirt at the mall and had to have it. I now have an addiction. I luvs me a funny shirt! I of course have passed this on to my my kids buying them shirts from Jake's "i'm with handsome (arrow pointing up towards him)" to his "I do all my own stunts" with the pic of a twisted stick figure, the girls have too many to name. I couldn't wait to start Kira's collection and came across this site The trendy tadpole over at Tara's Through Hazel Eyes blog. She is running a contest right now sponsored by The trendy tadpole. I loved so many of the shirts they had on there but these three really caught my attention.
I can see Kira in any of these, along with several others on the site that you have to check out. I will of course dress them up with a cute bow and tutus ;). Now to decide which to get first!
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11:44 PM
Gotta love a funny T-shirt!
Contest|Fab Product|Kira|

Fab Product,
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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