Then Wednesday is Kira's appointment at Childrens Hospital. She has had a hernia about 3 or 4 inches above her bellybutton since she was about 9 months old. Over the past year it has gotten worse and now she will just double over in pain at times pointing to that area screaming that her belly hurts. I want her to be free from pain but I do not want her to have surgery. I am actually not even sure how I would manage her being in a hospital in Omaha being that there isn't anyone to care for Jonas while I would be up there and I don't think that he is allowed to be in the patient area.
My life would be boring if I didn't have a billion doctor appointments to go to. I swear there is no one that goes to the doctor more that me (as I write this after returning from my second trip this week for Jonas' ears- I see another specialist appointment in my near future lol).