I love the look after a snow storm, everything looks clean and if it's sunny out it appears to be gleaming. Growing up in Arizona I never had anything like this. We would have flurries once every few years or more but if we wanted to see real snow we'd have to drive to Prescott or Flagstaff. Even then unless we were on the ski slope there would just be patches on the side of the road.

I can still remember the first time we drove up to see snow. I was probably 7, maybe 8 and my dad had to travel to Flagstaff for business and took all of us. There wasn't much snow left after the storm a few days before so my dad drove around until he found a patch that was a good size and us kids piled out of the van and played until the snow was mud.

So the first snow that we have every year is always the best for me. I have a lot of fun playing with the kids in the snow or like this year just watching them play in it. After the first storm it gets old lol. This year we have had more snow in the past few weeks than we have had all winter most years. My husband has snow drifts on each side of our driveway that are taller than I am. Our housing developement never organized together to vote a chair or get a home owner organization together so no one clears our roads. Toby has a skidsteer and he has been moving the snow but having to pay for the diesel fuel is getting expensive. Some of the drifts in the road were 4 to 5 ft tall and his skidder was getting stuck.

The kids love playing in the drifts and try to make tunnels. The snow was so blown around that it's just too patchy to sled but that didn't stop them from trying. This was Kira's first time out playing in the snow. Last year she was too little and up until now this was the first time that there was snow on the ground and she was well enough to be out in it.

She didn't like the dog and she didn't like to touch the snow but she really loved sledding and constantly asks to go back out and do it again.