I recently had the opportunity to try a new energy drink by Keller's Creamery called UpBeat! I hadn't heard of the product before trying it so I was a bit nervous on the taste. In reading about the product, I found that it not only was made with real milk but contained 7g of protein and 6g of fiber yet only contained 100 calories.
They come in 3 flavors, Vanilla, Caramel Swirl and Chocolate Decadence. Now it was time to see if they both sustained energy-something that is much needed at this point for me- as well as taste well enough to make me want to use it. I started out with the Vanilla flavor, I wasn't impressed. It did not have a vitamin taste to it even though it is packed w/both B1 and B2 vitamins but I just did not dig the Vanilla flavor. The next morning I decided to go for Caramel Swirl. I am a huge caramel fan, if a candy or candy bar doesn't have caramel in it, IMO it's not worth eating, so I was very excited to try this flavor. BINGO! This was tasty and like the previous day I did notice that I wasn't constantly yawning from mid morning until well past dinner. Next up, Chocolate Decadence. This flavor although much better than Vanilla, didn't do it for me either. Could be that I am not a chocolate milk drinking fan, regardless I noticed even more energy the third day than that of the prior two days.
After going through the six pack that was sent to me I went to my local Hy-vee grocery store loaded up with coupons to stock up on it again. The price per unit at Hy-vee was a bit more than I expected at $1.99 a piece but after the .55 coupon it brought it to a much better price. Since I am pregnant I would need to still have a meal w/the drink at breakfast but if you were not pregnant this would be a very cheap breakfast option for you. On the go I spend more than that for a drink to go along w/my breakfast!
Would I recommend this drink? Yes! I love and still drink the Caramel Swirl and can easily see this replacing my usual bagel breakfast after the baby is born. Please visit the UpBeat! website at http://www.upbeatenergy.com/ and download your .55 cent coupon and try it for yourself!