So after trying all pregnancy to convince Toby to have his nutties cut and him not complying, I set up my tubal. I would have had it done right after delivery but the hospital I am delivering at does not perform them (darn!). So now I will have to go back about a month postpartum and have it done out patient. I am very nervous, the most I've been put under for was to have my wisdom teeth pulled and I doubt I was tubed for that. Do they leave the tube in until you wake up or is it out by that time? I know I will freak out if I wake up and it's in.
I would love to have some of my fears put to rest like how much pain is it immediately after? How long are you in pain? What is the recovery time? How long does the procedure take?
I'm afraid I don't have any useful advice for you - just wanted to drop in and say hi to my newest follower. You have a beautiful blog, so bright & cheery :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog (following you back).
I had a tubal after my last baby (4 years ago). I did it the day after I gave birth and I had an epidural for the birth, so they just left that in for the tubal. The recovery wasn't bad, just be careful not to do too much so that the stitches don't rip before they dissolve (I had the dissolving kind). Good Luck!
If you really think you are done having kids then I say go for the tubal. I haven't had any problems, other than my period being a little screwy at times.
Hi Sheila,
Just wanted to stop by and thank you for the Friday Follow! I'm back to return the favor--I'm your newest follower!
I don't really have any advice on this one...we conceived our twins with In Vitro Fertilization b/c I have matter how hard we try, we'll never get pregnant on our own. So I don't really have to worry about birth control even though we're done having kids.
I don't know anyone who's recently had their tubes tied. I'm no help, sorry!
Thanks for following. I'm following you too.
Good luck. I say go for it. Best not to have to worry about the next "failure". Especially if you know you are done.
I've been following your lovely blog long before Friday Follow!!
Thanks for stopping by during Friday Follow. I'm following you back!
I didn't get a tubal. Like you, I'm trying to talk my hubby into getting snipped, but he doesn't want to get it done. I have, however, had surgery, and they don't leave the tube in. They take it out before you are taken into recovery. You're throat is a little dry as a result, but I never had a sore throat or anything from it. Good luck!
Good luck Sheila! Stoney doesn't have a choice! He will be doing the vasectomy. I think I will be calling Monday to set up an appointment! It's $25 for him vs 20% for me.
not sure what you mean 'tubed'?? to be put out you should just need an IV.
i haven't had it done, my dr wanted me to wait 3 months (I assume to make sure I didn't have second thoughts) but by that time its hard to be able to not lift anything etc with a 16 pound baby. i went for the iud but haven't had issues (but also didn't even need it for a year! lol tmi, right)
from the ladies I have talked to though there was very little pain for a very short time
Sheila- Did you ask about the Essure procedure? I just had it done in October. No cutting, no healing! It takes three months for the scar tissure to form. It actually is becoming the alternative to the tubal! Check into it! Especially if they are not going to do the tubal at the time of birth!
Just stopping by to check out your blog and return the Friday Follow favor...
Liked the blog and am now your newest follower!
dawn hild
I did ask about Essure, my doctor is not certified in the procedure and will not get certified because of the added expense of having to go back in 3m to do the dye test (TSH?) to ensure the tubes did close completely. I would have rather done that. The most I have ever had done that required sedatives is had my wisdom teeth removed. I just wish my dh wasn't such a baby since his is the equivalent of filling a cavity and here I have to be knocked out with a breathing tube ::sigh::.
Hi Sheila!!
I cant help but giggle when I read this :)
I'm personally scared of getting a tubal because I'm a wussy and...well, that's just it :)
Shaun said he'd get the ol' sniperoo done so that's awesome...
However, right now I am on the Implanon. Its a lil thingy they shove in your arm and its good for 3 years. It only hurt for the day...but Im a wuss, remember that.
and in the mean time, I'd try to talk toby into it, its cheaper, easier recovery and after all...8 blessings!!! :) that's alot know :)
PS whats lil mans NAME!?!?!?
Wow this sounds like my dilemma! I'm 99.99% sure we're done but I'm not ready to take permanent action yet. 1 out of our 3 kids was planned. I had planned to get Mirena but when it came time I chickened out. Still trying to decide. Better hurry before I'm pregnant. :)
I had a tubal after my last one and it was nothing.I never had any problems or complications at all.My husband has a vasectomy too..we are done at 5!The men do have it easier..a few minutes and little to no discomfort really .My husband said it was no worse then a prostate exam and it lasts forever so no chances of tubes untying or anything like that.(Does that still happen?)I know years ago some people had that issue and that would really tick me off.I decided on my own to have mine and just did it..I didn't really care what antone thought,enough is enough.
I've had not ONE but TWO tubals done. Both done through the belly button, once after delivery and once a month post-partum. Easy recovery, not much pain, and just for the record, I had it done twice, because I had my tubes untied and reconnected. =) Two successful babies after the first tying. =)
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