On top of the normal huge load that raising a family of seven children entails, I have taken on the task of three classes this semester. This is not a huge feat as I have taken four, or maybe it was five, at one point. This time it's for keeps though, if I pass these classes I will have achieved my A.A.S. The biggest problem is the main class this semester is speech. I loath public speaking, which is why I saved it for last, it has been dropped three times. When I try to give a speech, I don't know what really comes over me, but it's not good-or pretty. Just in normal conversation when I am the center of it and feel the least bit uncomfy my face turns red and gets redder and my level of comfort plummets. It also shows up when I'm embarrassed, nervous, mad or in pain but only my husband can distinguish the difference.
So I am sitting here trying to prepare for my first speech this Friday, which also happens to be the first day of school for the elementary kiddos and the second day of school for my middle and high schoolers. My topic is one that I should have never taken on- National Nutrition Month®. There is not much out there on the topic which makes putting the speech together a nightmare that I have to try and fill ten whole minutes with. TEN, TEN minutes! What was I thinking?
I am also taking the class online, so I do not have a specific venue to give the speech at so I will be going to the Lincoln campus and giving the speech in front of seven or so classmates that I have never met. I am beyond stressed about it all, even more so as if I don't pass this class I will be retaking it next semester. I do not want to repeat this class.
Well now that I have gotten the baby to sleep while one handedly pecking out this post I will attempt to set him down w/o waking him up and get back to finishing up the last touches on this speech. Wish me luck and if anyone knows of some great tips on how to hide my red face that normal foundation can't I would love to hear the tips!