Last year my daughter Kaly needed a quilt for Grandparents day, being short on Grandparents and not having any 'family' quilts - or any, I don't have the talent for them - I modified the No Sew Knotty Blanket to make the No Sew Rag Quilt.
We went to Joann's and picked through their quilt squares, Kaly picked out a few different purple and blue patterns and then found a coordinating fabric for the backing and bought 2 yards and then batting for a baby blanket.
We took each of the pre-cut squares and cut one inch slits every 1/2 inch all the way around each. After each of the squares were ready we laid out the pattern and began knotting up the inside seams.
All in all it took about 17 hours and yes all of those 17 hours were done in ONE day as my darling daughter told me about said quilt the day before it was needed. She got many compliments about it and won "Newest Quilt" there were many beautiful quilts on display and a few were over 110 years old.