Monday, May 18, 2009

Gotta love a funny T-shirt!

It all started the day that I saw the "Cute but psycho" shirt at the mall and had to have it. I now have an addiction. I luvs me a funny shirt! I of course have passed this on to my my kids buying them shirts from Jake's "i'm with handsome (arrow pointing up towards him)" to his "I do all my own stunts" with the pic of a twisted stick figure, the girls have too many to name. I couldn't wait to start Kira's collection and came across this site The trendy tadpole over at Tara's Through Hazel Eyes blog. She is running a contest right now sponsored by The trendy tadpole. I loved so many of the shirts they had on there but these three really caught my attention.

I can see Kira in any of these, along with several others on the site that you have to check out. I will of course dress them up with a cute bow and tutus ;). Now to decide which to get first!
Don't forget to check out The trendy tadpole and the contest at Tara's blog.