Monday, May 25, 2009

How does your garden grow?

After being here for two years and starting our third summer on our acrege. The hubs, kids and I decided that this is the year we will grow our garden. We planted about 3 weeks ago and it's really starting to come in. I still have a lot of work to do as you can see all the green there, that's grass that needs to be pulled/raked out. I worked on it a lot yesterday but between the baby and lack of food in the pantry I had more pressing things to tend to. When it cools off tonight I may finish, if not, well there's always tomorrow. We are hoping for a good turn out of corn- planted 6 rows, one row each of radishes (yuck!), cucumbers, tomatos, cabbage (why?), pumkins, kalarabi (don't even know what that is), honey dew mellons, pumpkins, lettus, and two rows of onions. The corn is up about two inches and the onions are doing great. The rest, well we'll see.
Any tips on how to keep the weeds and grass out of the garden?