Monday, July 6, 2009

Dear Larry The Cable Guy...

Just had to share this because I thought it insanely funny as well as a tad weird. Some (or maybe MOST) of you may not know that Larry was born in a small northern town in Nebraska called Pawnee City. You may have noticed all the Ns that he has on him during his movies or shows, this is the Nebraska Cornhuskers (college football team) Logo. He currently has a few houses scattered across the state-one being a few miles south of us. I have heard people say that he frequents a bar/restaurant in our tiny little town, I have yet to see him or if I have I didn't pay any attention. But I'm getting away from the funny bit, Larry decided that he wanted to have a show on the 4th in Lincoln, the nearest city to us. What did the city of Lincoln do to accommodate one of their home grown heros? Why the CHANGED the day that fireworks were to be held of course! Can't have those who want to see Larry miss out, so instead of having them on the 4th like they should have been, they scheduled them on the 3rd. As luck would have it, it rained on the 3rd so it was rescheduled for the 5th! So thank you Larry The Cable Guy for mucking up our festivities.


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

LOL, that is funny!

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Oh my goodness. I had NO idea he was from my state. Hilarious!

For some reason, all of the fireworks displays are on the 3rd around here. This year we got to see the first 30 minutes and then it started to rain. No rescheduling, though. Oh well...
