Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 17

Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge.  Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too.  Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here

Day 17:Are you named after anyone?

I am not named after a specific person, but a song. My mom loved the song Sheila by Tommy Roe and after 3 boys she finally got to use the name on me. I am not a fan of my name, partly because of the Ready for the World song Oh Sheila and partly because my mom named me a slang term for girl. Who names their daughter girl? LOL my mom! I did get a kick out of my name popping up in two ads during the Superbowl, the first from and the second from AT&T.