Friday, March 4, 2011

The 31 Day Photo Challenge, Day 4

Thanks to It's Gravy Baby and Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy I am taking part in a 31 Day Photo Challenge.  Visit either blog if you'd like to participate too.  Check out all my Photo Challenge posts here.  

Day 4: An experience that made you who you are today.
There is no doubt that this day is one that changed me. I went from being a naive 20 something kid to a grown-up. I can still hear the words that the doctor said at the hospital when we learned that she had passed, "I'm sorry, this has to be the worst day of your life." It was, or close to it. I don't know if it was that day, the day I left the hospital with out my baby or the day we put her in the ground 8 days later. No parent should have to bury their child or explain to their living children that their sister passed. Sorry the photo isn't the best, it was one that my brother sent in a text to my husband and myself recently.